Mid-Day Heat - 36" x 36" - Acrylic on canvas
Drips, dots and spatters merge and mingle to create striking contemporary landscapes with spontanious colour play.
Visit my page at the Points North Gallery, Alberta....click here>>
Whether I am painting on a mountaintop, in my garden or at my studio, my foremost passion lies in nature and the wild animals that live there.
The same holds true when I‘m doing an illustration or designing a brochure. Although I have worked on many corporate and commercial accounts over the years, I now focus mainly on designing and creating images for non-profits, specializing in bears and bear smart education.
Recently my passion has led me to graduate "with honours' as a wildlife technician, from Selkirk College's Recreation, Fish and Wildlife program.
Mid-Day Heat - 36" x 36" - Acrylic on canvas
Visit my page at the Points North Gallery, Alberta....click here>>
Midnight Watch - 36" x 36" - Acrylic on canvas
Art’s Joyce, BC poet, journalist and author....read article>>
Campground Bear - Pen and ink and photoshop
Get Bear Smart Society....browse store>>
Throughout my art career, I have created works in a multitude of styles, media and tools - oils, acrylics, watercolours and pastel, pencils, pen and ink, brushes, palette knives and even painter’s stir sticks....view styles gallery>>
In my latest landscape paintings, acrylic paint is applied solely using painter's stir sticks. Without the limitations of a brush, I can work quickly, mingling drips, dots and spatters to express light, colour and movement all at the same time. Spontaneity and a deep connection with the natural world are fundamental to my creativity....see available paintings>>
This style is fun and expressive. Obviously Jackson Pollack is one of my influences, as are a number of Impressionist and Expressionist painters, but my favourites by far are Vincent Van Gogh and Gustav Klimt.
Dreams of Summer - 48" x 36" - Acrylic on canvas
If you are looking for a designer with good listening and communication skills, unbridled creativity, one who strives for excellence and has a strong work ethic, I’m your person. Plus….I can draw and I meet deadlines!
I have nurtured many a project, from concept, layout, through the design stage and on to the final print-ready product, from logos to business cards, brochures, signage and lots more. I have decades of experience and lots of happy clients....go to galleries>>
Hanging Sign for Revelstoke Restaurant